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- Harassment, Bullying and Discrimination Prevention PolicyThis Policy establishes principles and processes for eliminating harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination across the University.
- Higher Degree Research Candidate and Supervisor PolicyThis Policy specifies the responsibilities of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Masters by Research Candidates and Supervisors.
- Higher Degree Research Candidate Transfer PolicyPolicy governs the transfer of candidates between research masters and doctorate degrees (and vice versa).
- Higher Degree Research Candidature and Supervision - ProceduresThese Procedures give effect to the HDR Candidate Supervision Policy.
- Higher Degree Research Fitness to Study PolicyThis Policy details the University's approach to supporting a Higher Degree Researcher when concerns are raised regarding their health and wellbeing.
- Higher Degree Research Register of Supervisors PolicyEstablishes supervision registration requirements.
- Higher Degree Research Scholarships PolicyThis Policy establishes the University's selection principles for Postgraduate Research Scholarships.
- Honorary Awards and Titles PolicyThis Policy establishes principles and processes for the conferral of all honorary awards and titles of the University.
- HRP01: Psychosocial Hazard ManagementThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure Southern Cross University’s management, employees, contractors, students, visitors and others are aware of the risks associated with psychosocial hazards in the workplace, relevant management strategies and to provide advice on risk mitigation process.
- HRP02: Working at HeightsProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from working at heights greater than 2m on site.
- HRP03: Asbestos ManagementProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks of fatalities, injuries and events arising from the management, removal and disposal of asbestos and Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
- HRP04: Plant and EquipmentProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from operating and locking out fixed plant and equipment.
- HRP05: Physical Safety and Security ProcedureProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from physical safety and security.
- HRP06: Scheduled SubstancesThis procedure outlines the University's legislative responsibilities in respect of management of Scheduled Substances and Other Poisons (collectively, Substances).
- HRP07: Electrical Safety ProcedureProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from using electrical equipment on site.
- HRP08: Hazardous Manual Tasks and Workplace ErgonomicsProcedure outlining the process to adequately risk assess and implement controls associated with hazardous manual tasks such as manual handling.
- HRP09: Occupational Health and HygieneProcedure that provides guidance on the health and wellbeing of employees and the requirements for presenting fit for work.
- HRP10: Journey Management ProcedureProcedure that provides guidance on the health and wellbeing of workers and the requirements around presenting fit for work and free from the signs and symptoms of Fatigue.
- HRP11: Hazardous Chemical Management ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure the management of risks associated with hazardous chemical management at Southern Cross University (SCU) are appropriately managed and controlled.
- HRP12: Fitness for WorkProcedure that provides guidance on the health and wellbeing of workers and the requirements around presenting fit for work and recognising the signs and managing symptoms of Fatigue.
- HRP13: Biological SafetyProcedure that outlines the requirements to manage biological safety.
- HRP14: Workplace Environment and Facilities ManagementProcedure that outlines the requirements for site establishment (facilities and amenities).
- HRP15: Personal Protective EquipmentThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure the management of risks associated with the selection, provision, fitting, use, storage and disposal of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE at Southern Cross University (SCU) are appropriately managed and controlled.
- HRP16: Aviation and Drone OperationsProcedure outlining the process to adequately risk assess and implement controls associated with aviation and drone operations.
- HRP17: Vessel and Maritime SafetyThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure the management of risks associated with vessel and maritime safety at Southern Cross University (SCU) are appropriately managed and controlled.
- HRP18: Diving and Underwater WorkProcedure to outline the requjirements to minimise the risks and events arising from diving and underwater work.
- HRP19: Confined SpacesProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from Confined Space works.
- HRP20: Lone and Isolated WorkProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from remote working.
- HRP21: Excavation and TrenchingThe purpose of this procedure is to ensure the management of risks associated with excavation and trenching at Southern Cross University (SCU) are appropriately managed and controlled.
- HRP22: Lock out, tag outProcedure to outline the requirements to eliminate or minimise the risks and events arising from operating and locking out fixed plant and equipment.