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- Educational Partnership PolicyThe Policy establishes the framework for the delivery of Southern Cross University's courses and units with an educational partner. It describes how educational partner arrangements are initiated, approved, managed, quality assured and documented.
- Educational Partnership Quality Assurance ProceduresThese Procedures give effect to the Educational Partnership Policy.
- Emergency and Crisis Management PolicyNew Policy to formalise the University's approach to emergency management.
- Emergency ProceduresThe purpose of these procedures is to provide guidance to key personnel and staff to enable them to quickly and decisively respond to an actual or potential emergency.
- Employees with Disabilities PolicyThis Policy establishes principles and processes to ensure people with disabilities may work in an accessible and inclusive environment at SCU, free from discrimination.
- English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Academic Progress PolicyThis policy sets out the University's approach and processes to support English Language Program students achieving satisfactory course progress.
- English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Admissions PolicyThis policy sets out the University's admission requirements and processes for its ELICOS programs.
- English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS) Attendance PolicyThis document establishes SCU's attendance requirements for students studying ELICOS courses.
- Enrolment Deferment, Suspension and Cancellation Procedures - International StudentsThis Procedure establishes processes regarding the assessing, approving and recording of deferment, suspension, or cancellation of student enrolments.
- Enterprise Risk Management PolicyThe Enterprise Management Policy is an integral component of the Enterprise Risk Management Framework which:
a. establishes the principles and processes to identify, assess and manage risk;
b. allocates responsibilities for managing risks; and
c. aligns with the International Standard for Risk Management AS ISO 31000: 2018. - Equal Employment Opportunity PolicyThis Policy establishes principles and processes to ensure employment practices are free from discrimination and that appointment is based on merit.
- Events and Facilities Hire PolicyPolicy setting out the principles and procedures in relation to hiring of University lands and facilities
- Examination Leave ProceduresThese procedures set down the paid leave available to enable employees to sit for examinations associated with approved course of study.
- External Funding of Academic Appointments and Activities PolicyThis Policy guides the establishment and designation of Chairs, Fellowships and other academic activities.