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- Welfare Arrangements of International Students Aged Under 18 PolicyThis Policy establishes the processes to support students under the age of 18 years who are not cared for in Australia by a parent or suitable nominated relative.
- Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) PolicyThis Policy establish a framework for reporting and managing all reports of serious wrongdoing, including reports that are public interest disclosures under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (NSW) (PID Act).
- Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) ProceduresThese Procedures, along with the Whistleblowing (Public Interest Disclosures) Policy, are the University’s Public Interest Disclosure Policy for the purpose of sections 42 and 43 of the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2022 (PID Act).
The Procedures set out the way in which the University will:
a. deal with and investigate reports of suspected serious wrongdoing under the Policy;
b. identify, manage and minimise risks to officers, staff and students who make reports or who are required to participate in the process;
c. meet its statutory obligations under the PID Act, the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988 (NSW) and any other relevant legislation.
- WHSMP01: Leadership and CultureProcedure to outline the required activities to be undertaken by management to demonstrate leadership in regards to WHS aspects and review performance, resources, and needs of the organisation to support continual improvement.
- WHSMP02: Hazard Identification, Risk and Opportunity ManagementProcedure that describes the process of how the organisation will effectively identify, assess, and control H&S risks.
Includes development of supporting templates. - WHSMP03: Legal Obligations and Other RequirementsProcedure that sets out the requirements to effectively identify, monitor and review the organisations H&S legal and other requirements to ensure legislative requirements are met.
- WHSMP04: Planning, Objectives and TargetsProcedure that outlines the requirements to set H&S objectives and targets for continual improvement of which the organisation reviews its performance against.
- WHSMP05: First Aid, Emergency Preparedness and ResponseProcedure to outline the process and requirements associated with emergency response preparedness, planning and testing of proposed response to various scenarios; process and requirements for first aid provision. Includes development of supporting templates.
- WHSMP06: Training and CompetencyProcedure that sets out the minimum requirements regarding the need to onboard and induct workers to make them aware of the applicable risks, ensure those undertaking tasks have the required competencies, and train workers to ensure safe work practises.
- WHSMP07: Consultation, Communication and ParticipationProcedure that outlines the process to elect HSRs, manage and resolve issues, and communicate with workers on H&S matters.
- WHSMP08: Document Control and Records ManagementProcedure that outlines the document and records management at SCU.
- WHSMP09: Permit to Work - Hazardous WorkProcedure to outline the requirements for Permit to Work systems.
- WHSMP10: Management of ChangeProcedure that sets out the requirements to effectively identify, monitor and review the organisations requirements during change management.
- WHSMP11: Purchasing and ContractingProcedure outlining the requirements to effectively manage H&S risks associated with the engagement of onsite contractors and procurement of materials.
- WHSMP12: Overview ManualOverview of the SCU WHSMS, including scope, interested parties, context and all elements of an ISO45001 aligned system.
- WHSMP13: Responsibility and Accountability StatementProcedure to outline the roles, responsibility and accountability statements for all levels of the organisation.
- WHSMP14: Monitoring, Measurement and ReportingProcedure that sets out monitoring, measurement and performance reporting requirements
- WHSMP15: Audit and AssuranceProcedure to outline the need for workplace inspections, audits and inspections to identify potential and actual hazards, validate the implementation of critical controls, and validate compliance to regulatory requirements.
- WHSMP16: WHSMS Management ReviewProcedure to outline the required activities to be undertaken by management to demonstrate leadership in regards to H&S aspects and review performance, resources, and needs of the organisation to support continual improvement.
- WHSMP17: Incident Management, Reporting and Investigation"Procedure that describes the process of how the organisation will effectively notify, investigate and report on H&S events.
Includes development of supporting templates." - WHSMP18: Critical Risk AssuranceAssurance standard for the WHS Critical Risk Framework
- Work Health Safety PolicyThis Policy establishes principles and processes to promote the health, safety and welfare of all University staff, students, contractors and visitors to the University.
- Work Integrated Learning ProceduresProcedures related to the University's Work Integrated Learning Activities